some key board shortcuts

Written by abhi on 2:41 PM

List of F1-F9 Key Cmds 4 cmd prompt

List of F1-F9 Key Commands for the Command Prompt
F1 / right arrow: Repeats the letters of the last command line, one by one.
F2: Displays a dialog asking user to "enter the char to copy up to" of the last command line
F3: Repeats the last command lineF4: Displays a dialog asking user to "enter the char to delete up to" of the last command line
F5: Goes back one command line
F6: Enters the traditional CTRL+Z (^z)
F7: Displays a menu with the command line history
F8: Cycles back through previous command lines (beginning with most recent)
F9: Displays a dialog asking user to enter a command number, where 0 is for first command line entered.
Alt+Enter: toggle full Screen mode.
up/down: scroll thru/repeat previous entries
Esc: delete lineNote: The buffer allows a maximum of 50 command lines. After this number is reached, the first line will be replaced in sequence.
Helpful accessibility keyboard shortcutsSwitch FilterKeys on and off.
Right SHIFT for eight secondsSwitch High Contrast on and off.
Left ALT +left SHIFT +PRINT SCREENSwitch MouseKeys on and off. Left ALT +left SHIFT +NUM LOCKSwitch StickyKeys on and off.
SHIFT five timesSwitch ToggleKeys on and off.
NUM LOCK for five seconds

Gmail Shortcuts

GmailNote: Must have "keyboard shortcuts" on in settings.
C: Compose new message.
Shift + C: Open new window to compose new message.
Slash (/): Switch focus to search box.
K: Switch focus to the next most recent email.
Enter or "O" opens focused email.
J: Switch focus to the next oldest email.
N: Switch focus to the next message in the "conversation."
Enter or "O" expands/collapses messages.
P: Switch focus to the previous message.
U: Takes you back to the inbox and checks for new mail.
Y: Various actions depending on current view:Has no effect in "Sent" and "All Mail" views.
Inbox: Archive email or message.
Starred: Unstar email or message.
Spam: Unmark as spam and move back to "Inbox."
Trash: Move back to "Inbox."
Any label: Remove the label.
X: "Check" an email.
Various actions can be performed against all checked emails.
S: "Star" an email.
Identical to the more familiar term, "flagging."
R: Reply to the email.
A: Reply to all recipients of the email.
F: Forward an email.
Shift + R: Reply to the email in a new window.
Shift + A: Reply to all recipients of the email in a new window.
Shift + F: Forward an email in a new window.
Shift + 1 (!): Mark an email as spam and remove it from the inbox.
G then I: Switch to "Inbox" view.
G then S: Switch to "Starred" view.
G then A: Switch to "All Mail" view.
G then C: Switch to "Contacts" view.
G then S: Switch to "Drafts" view.

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