Transfer Big Files

Written by abhi on 3:59 PM

Transter big files via any E-mail

TransferBigFiles is the easiest way to share a bunch of files
with friends, family or everybody in the world. There's no registration required
to use the website. You can just go to the home page and start uploading some
files. But to make the process even easier, we've created a Windows System Tray
tool that allows users to drag-and-drop files to the site. We have not been able
to find an easier tool for file sharing.

You can send files up to 2GB in
single attachment. TransferBigFiles does not limit the amount of space your
account can use on our servers, the only storage limit we have is that your
files may not be larger then two (2) gigabytes. For a minimum of 5 days or up to
30-days if you upload through a registered DropZone account. DropZone users can
also manage there files and expire them prior to 30-days.

For regular
usage of this service you can use their client, if you want it.

DropZone Client : It's the super-easy, super-fast, super-smart way to Transfer
Big Files. It's FREE!

* System Tray Utility (for Windows)
* Drag 'n'
Drop files to Send Files
* Auto-resume interruptions
* Upload up to 1gb
per file
* 10-day Expiration
* Small footprint (~300kb)
* Fast, secure
& reliable!

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